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What is Guest Blogging?

Guest Blogging is getting your brand advertised through relevant means other than telling people about it yourself, which would result in the organic spread of your brand name and attracting a whole new flock of the potential audience.

You can reach out to the Guest Blogging sites who deal in your niche and pitch them your brand to be inculcated in their Blog posts, it sounds simple and it pretty much is simple, but there are various aspects to it just like any other field of marketing. And so it would be better if you are well versed with it before venturing out.

Most of your marketing revolves around telling customers about your brand and product while working on inbound marketing and the mediums to do so could be content marketing, social media marketing or search engine optimization wherein you yourself do the honours of announcing it to the world. Guest blogging comes under inbound marketing too, it drives traffic towards your website while at the same time disguising itself as another form of external marketing instead of you yourself blowing your own trumpet.


Guest Blogging, Guest blogging SEO, Sites for guest blogging, Guest blogging sites, Guest posting
Source : Now Ideas – University of New South Wales Blogs


People have preferences and these preferences are influenced by their interests. Before buying anything, there are certain parameters that need to be met with the customer to hit that ‘confirm payment’ button.

Influencers have become a huge deal over the last couple of years and although the term influencer is synonymous with a verified Instagram account, there is much more to them, there are more of them. The influencing business isn’t limited to Instagram or social media, a good old mail is still as good at engaging people as it used to be.

The only thing that has changed is that people have become well-versed to the ways of the internet, they do not blindly trust just any ad that pops up. But that’s not necessarily bad news, mistrust also facilitates solidifying trustful sources. People tend to go back to those sources again and again as they give them reliable information.

Jon Cooper who has published The Complete List of Link Building Tactics” generated 400 hits from a single guest post on Moz, it is one of several examples of how blogs are still very relevant and major influencing factors when it comes to driving traffic and also increasing conversion.

According to HubSpot, inbound marketing tactics (e.g., guest blogging) don’t just help you drive traffic to your site, but can also increase your revenue.


How to power your Brand through Guest Blogging?


1. Build Relationships

Every brand has a personality of its own now, while some are conventional online, a couple of them are pretty edgy. And these brand images also vary over different platforms, how a brand might react to a Tweet might not be exactly how they respond to a Facebook comment of the same nature.

Guest posting is a similar avenue wherein you can maintain an online persona and define your relationship with your customers. Guest blogging sites are the perfect melting pot to cater to your target audience, meet new potential customers who want to hear from you and engage your existing customer base.

Adhering to the Guest Blogging SEO tips and strategies, if you answer vital questions, put up essential solutions that people are searching for and within that manage to integrate what your brand offers to ease whatever the potential customer is trying to get around or get on with, that is the sweet spot wherein you build credibility amongst the readers while pitching your products or services as the go-to solution.

Spamming or being inactive for months on end are the two extremes you would want to avoid, consistency and relevancy should be a primary focus when it comes to Guest posting.

You can also use this platform to not only interact with your customers but also have an active discussion as to what is to come and your future business prospects.

2. Generate Indefinite Backlinks with Guest Blogging 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) goes hand in hand with online marketing, almost the very first thing that you need to get right when you start putting up content. To reap the benefits of engagement, you need organic traffic, and that traffic would be facilitated by Indefinite backlinks.

Backlinks are links that lead you to a website to another specific one. And these backlinks are considered as “votes” for a specific page by all the major search engines. To have high organic search engine rankings, you must aim to have as many relevant backlinks as possible.

This is easily made possible by Guest blogging sites, as they are supposed to be providing their readers with relevant information, and if your brand is the relevant solution to what the post is dealing, a backlink to your page can be put in the guest post without spamming or challenging the relevancy of it being there.

SEO agencies and digital marketers really value this link juice chain, so the more widespread the backlinks to your page are, the higher you will rank, but you must wisely choose amongst the Guest blogging sites and only associate yourself with the content that’s of great quality.

3. Increase Organic Traffic with Guest Blogging

Organic is the keyword when it comes to Guest Blogging and Guest posting, unlike your other mediums of marketing, wherein you can even deceive people into visiting your page, guest posts generate organic traffic which would actually benefit your brand.

Generating traffic for your page shouldn’t be your aim, as there are ways to trick people to click on a link and end up on your page. That doesn’t amount to anything but a larger number of mostly uninterested people visiting your page from irrelevant sources.

Your page would benefit from people visiting who could actually be interested in what you are offering, and although customized advertising over social media is prevalent it still can be a bit forced as opposed to the traffic that Guest blogging sites would be bringing in.

Unlike an advertisement about your brand, a backlink to your page in a Guest post would definitely be more effective and less in the face of an average person surfing the web. Search Engine Results Pages (SERP) Ranking is very much a factor that influences your organic reach, simply when people look up stuff and your page happens to be among the results on the very first page would grant you massive traction.

Google reportedly uses about 200 various factors to rank a site. While there are several factors that affect your ranking, a well-placed authoritative Guest post that drives engagement and has low bounce rate would definitely result in being much more beneficial and make your brand seem a lot professional and trustworthy than a usual blank ad.

4. Guest Posting Generates Brand Awareness

Sites for Guest Blogging that are well established have a readership that trusts what is being written, so scouting out for these sites which are not only relevant to your brand but also hold a reputation in the online community which you can bank on can definitely boost your brands online presence.

Spreading Brand Awareness in a genuine manner is possible if you engage with varied Guest Blogging sites, wherein you can tap the audiences whom you may have not reached yet. This would require thorough research but it would yield results like no ordinary advertisements.

The publicity scope with the Guest posting is much more flexible than your usual advertisements, as you can integrate your brand creatively into posts that may not conventionally come under relevancy. So you might not be strictly adhering to relevancy but not spamming either as long as the audience reading it is happy and engaged with the content. Combined with effectively employing backlinks in the content, Guest Posting, is an appreciated and trusted way to grow your brand and all you need to act on with is the well researched and authoritative content that other webmasters will appreciate and so will their readers.


Image obtained via Blogging Monster

Guest Blogging sites
that deal in your niche should be your primary targets, as they will help you establish an image that showcases your brand as a reliable one. When you try and engage with all of those Guest Blogging sites that are relevant to you, it increases the chances of building a foundation that makes your brand look authoritative and trusted among people using different sources of information.

Of course all of this is only valid when you have good quality content that you can produce that not only enhances your reputation online but also helps to drive in new clientele on a routine basis. Luckily that should be the least of your worries if you have an experienced and research driven content writing team who can easily take care of the content production part for you.

5. Capture a Wider Audience with Guest Blogging

The Guest Blogging business also helps you associate with your contemporaries in a healthy manner, instead of social media interactions which often makes you look ugly in the public eye.

It will help you build new contacts in the industry on a very public forum, which would make your brand look audience centric and friendly. All of this with just the appropriate amount of guest posting on the right guest blogging sites.

Not just other brands, but the websites and blogs themselves that you contact have their own public image, and if you associate with the ones that have an relevant audience who could become your potential customers that would be ideal. These associations will garner you credibility like nothing else and also enhance your reputation within your audience.

Besides venturing out and exploring other blogs and websites, you must first strive to maintain your own blog with utmost sincerity. Charity begins at home and as such when you’re reaching out to other bloggers to share a pie of their traffic you must first be able to prove your own credibility. This can only work when you have your own well maintained quality blog that is filled with engaging, well researched and problem solving content that people love to read. 

Well thought out and researched articles that are actually helpful instead of just a repeated advertisement of your brand is what would seem professional and gain people’s trust. So while expanding your name with Guest posting, you must make a foundation at the home ground itself by having a resourceful and thoroughly relevant blog of your own.

We know how time consuming and effort taking it is to maintain such a high quality blog by yourself that is why we try to solve this problem effortlessly for our clients by matching them up with one of our content production experts who have relevant industry experience and knows exactly what their audience likes to read.


How to get Started With Guest Blogging?


As mentioned already, the content must be very relevant and well researched, your Guest Blogs should be the one-stop destination for everything related to the products and services that you offer and at the same time should be able to pitch your product and service as the ideal solution without coming across as advertorial.

The quality of your blog posts would reflect your brand’s value, as people equate effort with caring and hence making you a trustworthy image in the market.


Guest Blogging, Guest blogging SEO, Sites for guest blogging, Guest blogging sites, Guest posting
Source : Medium


This would make a visitor feel secure about your knowledge and expertise in the area of your business. It is not easy to maintain such a blog though, as it is not a one-time event, keeping at it routinely is very important and the quality of the content should never be sacrificed either.

The good news is that you need not actually research and write for weeks for an article, to keep that up you can just outsource the whole job to a credible team of bloggers who will strive to enhance your reputation with their content. That will ensure order and routine, which will be made possible by proper delegation and organization and also allow you to focus on what you do best.

As experienced professionals, a well nuanced content production team like ours will offer you quality content that would not only be rich and engaging but also SEO optimized which will ensure your blog’s steady growth and scalability on googles search ranking pages.

This stems from fact that we take the time to understand your vision, your brand, and your goals, and then work to be able to represent it in your Guest posts intelligently while saving you countless hours and unnecessary manpower.

The only thing you need to be cautious about is moderation and relevancy, posting content within those guidelines will do wonders for you and your brand.